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Becoming pregnant is a very life-changing situation. Abruptly you must re-adjust your whole life. Alongside that, one must deal with increasing hormones, possibly sickness, and a host of other issues; and let's not talk about work. Try placing a pandemic in the equation and you have a whole heap of emotions. The uncertainty and impact of this virus is an added strain that others have never encountered. Well, I am right there with you. It is unfortunate that many women, if not all, are going through the majority of this process solo.
During regular times, pregnancy itself can seem a bit lonely. It feels like you are the only person that understands what you're enduring at the moment. If we add a pandemic to this, that's more stress than we need. Mothers are not allowed to have anyone accompany them to appointments, sonograms, etc. Now this is when we should step in and give that added support. There are women facing pregnancy for the first time, and I would hate for their process to be tainted. It could be a very lonely experience during this pandemic so let's end some encouraging words and a sense of comfort to them. This would be a great help during these trying times.
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January 12, 2021
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