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Aaron Ford

How to Use Synopsys Design Compiler for RTL Synthesis

How to Use Synopsys Design Compiler for RTL Synthesis

Synopsys Design Compiler is a powerful tool for synthesizing high-level design descriptions into optimized gate-level netlists. It can handle complex designs with millions of gates and multiple clock domains, and it can perform concurrent optimization of timing, area, power and test. Design Compiler supports various design languages, such as Verilog, VHDL and SystemVerilog, and it can interface with other Synopsys tools, such as Power Compiler, DesignWare, PrimeTime and DFTMAX.

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In this article, we will show you how to use Synopsys Design Compiler for RTL synthesis using a simple example. We will also explain some of the key features and benefits of Design Compiler, such as topographical technology, cloud-ready infrastructure and support for advanced process nodes.

Step 1: Prepare the Design Files

The first step is to prepare the design files that you want to synthesize. These include the RTL source files, the synthesis script and the technology library. The RTL source files contain the high-level description of your design functionality and structure. The synthesis script contains the commands and options that control the synthesis process. The technology library contains the information about the available cells and their characteristics in your target technology.

For this example, we will use a simple HDL file that implements a 4-bit adder with a carry-in and a carry-out. The file name is adder.v and its content is shown below:

module adder (a,b,cin,sum,cout);

input [3:0] a,b;

input cin;

output [3:0] sum;

output cout;

assign cout,sum = a + b + cin;


The synthesis script is called syn.tcl and its content is shown below:

# Set the target library

set target_library "mylib.db"

# Set the link library

set link_library "mylib.db"

# Read the RTL source file

analyze -format verilog adder.v

# Elaborate the top module

elaborate adder

# Perform synthesis


# Write out the netlist

write -format verilog -output adder_syn.v

The technology library is called mylib.db and it contains the cell definitions for a 65nm CMOS process. We assume that this file is already provided by your foundry or vendor.

Step 2: Run Synthesis

The next step is to run synthesis using Design Compiler. You can launch Design Compiler in graphical mode or command-line mode. In graphical mode, you can use a graphical user interface (GUI) to interact with Design Compiler and view the results. In command-line mode, you can use a terminal or a shell to execute Design Compiler commands and scripts.

For this example, we will use command-line mode. To run synthesis, you need to invoke Design Compiler with the synthesis script as an argument. For example, you can type the following command in your terminal:

dc_shell -f syn.tcl

This will start Design Compiler and execute the commands in syn.tcl. You will see some messages on your terminal showing the progress of synthesis. If there are no errors or warnings, you will get a synthesized netlist file called adder_syn.v in your current directory.

Step 3: Analyze the Results

The final step is to analyze the results of synthesis. You can use various commands and reports in Design Compiler to check the quality of your synthesized netlist. Some of the important metrics that you can look at are:

  • Area: The total area of your netlist in terms of cell count or equivalent gate count.

  • Timing: The timing performance of your netlist in terms of slack, delay and frequency.

  • Power: The power consumption of your netlist in terms of dynamic power, leakage power and total power.

  • Test: The testability of your netlist in terms of scan chains, test patterns and fault coverage.

For this example, we will use some simple commands 0efd9a6b88


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